Monday, August 6, 2012


Do you see red? Or perhaps I should ask, how do you see red?

Seeing RED typically means anger or the image of a bull charging at a red cape despite the danger he incurs every time he faces it. Thankfully, today's Shutter Sisters challenge was to see red in our lives and elevate it.

With the Olympic fever still in full swing, I again thought of England with the red double-decker buses and the red telephone booths. But following a less obvious path, I found red mixed with the graphics or patterns I so dearly love.

This was taken at Oxford University. I love the windows and the texture on the bricks. Imagine the view looking out of those windows.

 In this case the red isn't shouting "look at me". Taking the photo, it wasn't as much about the color as the pattern of this gorgeous ceiling at Oxford.
I was thinking it would make a great PhotoShop brush which I haven't bothered to create yet.

After I chose the photos for this post, I realized both included flowers--well sort of.

This was an interesting exercise for me because my response to the challenge changed by the second. First, seeing red was about tomatoes in the garden, or some red-flowered vines in our backyard, then a bus and a phone booth and finally to a muted red in a patterned ceiling. I'm glad I waited for my mind to slow down and just let it discover.

When you think red, where does your mind go?

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