So I ask myself, "why do I want to blog?" Actually this question was the first assignment of the Reflection of You e-course I just started so I'm taking the time to think about it.
Blogs discovered me a few months ago. My new neighbor and good friend, Monica has a blog where she shares updates of her life with friends and family. And as I started looking online, the blogging world opened to me. Guess I'm not telling you anything new, but there are blogs out there for a-n-y thing! So I was sort of hooked.
One concern was time. How do I blog regularly and not allow it to suck up all my time??? I haven't figured that out yet, but I'm guessing some discipline is going to be involved. If you have any tips, please pass them along.
So why do I blog...I can't come up with just one answer.
1. Connection to people of similiar interests
2. A hope to find an artist's community
3. Curiousity and Inspriation - I know how I cook, photograph, etc. I want to know more about how you approach it.
4. A love of photography - Some of my favorite blogs pop with color and wonder.
5. A love of combining photography, texture and words - call it a passion. I can not get enough.
So now I ask...why do you blog?
p.s. It'sclose to 100 degrees here and after Friday night's storm, some are still without electricity. So I couldn't resist including a "cool" memory taken last June. I was in a raincoat on a boat and loving every minute of it!
Plymouth Harbor (England) . |